Consultation of proposed Corporate Warning and Banning Policy and Procedure
Consultation of proposed Corporate Warning and Banning Policy and Procedure
Braunstone Town Council has a duty to ensure that staff and volunteers working for the Council, Councillors and customers, hirers and users of the Council’s services are able to undertake their work or access the Council’s services free from all types of discrimination, abuse, threatening behaviour and harassment. The Council has a duty to protect the safety and welfare of its staff, volunteers, Councillors, customers, hirers and users and will not tolerate unacceptable behaviour.
Therefore, the Council’s Policy & Resources Committee on 3rd November 2022, approved a draft Corporate Warning and Banning Policy and Procedure. The aim of the policy & procedure is to define the process of either issuing a warning and/or banning a member of the public from using the Council’s services following an incident of inappropriate behaviour.
The proposed policy is now available for consultation and comments and suggestions are being invited to ensure that it would be practical and fit for purpose.
Residents, customers, users, staff, Councillors, volunteers, stakeholders, partners and anyone who has an interest can submit comments.
The deadline for consultation comments is 9am on Monday 19th December 2022.
You may make comments in writing to the Chief Executive & Town Clerk, Braunstone Town Council, Braunstone Civic Centre, Kingsway, Braunstone Town, LEICESTER, LE3 2PP or by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The post consultation version of the Corporate Warning and Banning Policy and Procedure will be submitted to Policy & Resources Committee in January for consideration and adoption.