Review of Braunstone Town Council’s Pitches Policy & Procedure – Consultation
Review of Braunstone Town Council’s Pitches Policy & Procedure – Consultation
Braunstone Town Council provides sports pitches as part of providing community sporting facilities within public parks and open spaces that are open to all in the Town to use and enjoy.
The Pitches Policy & Procedure sets out the relationship between Pitch provision and the provision of Open Spaces and Parks in the Town. Its purpose is to ensure the provision of quality sports facilities to meet identified needs within the context of providing and maintaining parks and open spaces to a high standard. To that extent the Policy provides the framework for identifying sporting needs, which in turn identifies the level and type of provision, balanced with the multiple uses of the Town’s Open Spaces and Parks, which includes play facilities.
The Pitches Policy & Procedure sets out how the Council will determine provision and the basis upon which pitch allocations will be made. It identifies the responsibilities of the Town Council, the sporting teams using the pitches and the facilities, how they work together and also how they work with the wider community for the mutual benefit of the Town. The procedure also provides a framework for ensuring fairness and transparency and resolving any disputes which may arise.
Review of Policy & Procedure
The Pitches Policy & Procedure has been part of the Council’s Service Policies for eight years. During that time it has operated effectively and has achieved its primary aims of balancing multiple uses of the Council’s parks and providing the foundation for cooperation between the sports clubs, Town Council and parks users. Where issues have arisen, it has provided clarity and a framework for matters to be resolved in a timely fashion.
The Pitches Policy & Procedure is now due for review and there are no substantial changes proposed. However, a few minor amendments are proposed, which are highlighted in the proposed revised document. The proposed amendments are:
- date changes to the Pitch Allocations Process (section 5) to reflect the amended Committee timetable;
- provision to allow the Town Council to close the pitches in adverse weather (section 7);
- an update to the Sporting Facilities (section 8) reflecting new provision at Shakespeare; and
- an update to Appendix 1 – Current Standard Terms and Conditions for Football, which will apply only to Mossdale Meadows and Thorpe Astley Park; to clarify cancellation procedures, deposits for keys, removing items from the changing rooms and regulations around serving food;
- Appendix 2 – Current Standard Terms and Conditions for Shakespeare Park Bowling Green are proposed for removal given the new arrangements will supersede these.
Given the legal agreements are being finalised for the management of the Pavilion facility at Shakespeare Park and for medium term pitch licences to both the football and bowls clubs at the park, further amendments are likely to be required to the Pitches Policy & Procedure to reflect the final arrangements once agreed.
The proposed policy is now available for consultation and comments and suggestions are being invited to ensure that it will be practical and fit for purpose. Read the proposed policy here: Braunstone Town Council’s Pitches Policy & Procedure
The deadline for consultation comments is 9am on Monday 27th February 2023.
You may make comments in writing to the Chief Executive & Town Clerk, Braunstone Town Council, Braunstone Civic Centre, Kingsway, Braunstone Town, LEICESTER, LE3 2PP or by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The post consultation version of the revised Pitches Policy & Procedure will be submitted to Policy & Resources Committee in March for consideration and adoption.